Spinal Pain Relief

Watch and read how The O’Connor Technique™ has helped thousands of people


Matt Ceriani spent 6 years in back pain resulting from a sports injury. After treatment by other practitioners, including shoulder surgery that was unsuccessful in relieving the pain, in June 2013 he met Dr. William T. O’Connor.

After just one session of going through The O’Connor Technique™, he was instantly taken out of pain, his range of motion was restored and he has remained out of pain to this day.

“I would recommended it to everyone; especially athletes looking to avoid surgery, or have a turn around where a normal low back or mid back injury might take 2 – 3 weeks. With The O’Connor Technique your pain goes instantly. Dr. O’Connor taught me how to do it on own so that I can take myself out of pain wherever I am.”

Matt Ceriani

Video Testimonials

50 Years Neck Pain, Gone!

Lumbar Disc Extrusion

62 Years of Back Pain Accurately Diagnosed

72 Year Old with Many Years of Back Pain Resolved

Written Testimonials

  • After suffering for many years with re-occurring spasms in my lower back, I sought treatment for a extreme episode of pain in early 2003. Instead of just prescribing muscle relaxers + rest, Dr. O'Connor explained what I was experiencing and what to avoid doing on a daily basis. Because he was able to allow me to visualize my problem and provide his book with illustrations, I have been spasm free. In fact, I am now able to use the information in the book along with a fitted back brace to essentially maintain my own back health. I have avoided at least three spasms on my own. Dr. O'Connor's "method " is a GODSEND.

    John E.
  • My wife and I received your book, “Making Your Bad Back Better” a few days ago and we wanted to tell you that both of our back problems are gone since we applied your maneuvers. My wife had been to her chiropractor for spine adjustments with no real improvement but was feeling great after completing one maneuver from your book. I have a chronic problem with my middle-upper back and am very pleased that I can now quickly and easily adjust my spine so that it is in proper alignment and I feel great. Thanks for the valuable information!

    Steve & Margarita S
  • I must tell you that this material is the very best I have ever read concerning techniques for aiding back pain sufferers, really good stuff. My wife has several prolapsed discs and has already terrific pain relief with your information. I am a retired anesthesiologist here in Sarasota, my wife has had MRIs, cat scans etc. showing her pathology but what amazes me is the indifference to her pain shown by both general orthopedists and those trained in spinal techniques. Also the physical therapists did more to hurt her than to help her and if the surgeons don't offer a surgical solution they offer nothing else, except epidural steroids, which sometimes help and pain meds. I am sure many people are out there just living with this severe pain despite the magnitude of the defect. Your book is terrific and beautifully written.

    Dave M. M.D
  • Dr. O'Connor, I'm very thankful to have have found your website yesterday. As I type this I can say that my lower back pain has improved significantly. I followed your " Hanging Hip Maneuver" instructions yesterday and it seems to work. I can now sit at my desk without that terrible pain. I have only scratched the surface as far as getting a full understanding of the "Hanging Hip Manuver" , but I think I understand the basic concept. I will proceed with purchasing the book today and continue the self -education process. I will keep you informed of my progress. THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!

  • For years, my back pain episodes were so bad that, at times, I couldn't function. With the last event, about a year ago, I was nearly bed-ridden. Within twenty minutes of trying Dr. O'Connor's technique, the severe pain was gone; and I could move freely. The next day, I returned to work, largely pain-free; and I have had no recurrences of low back pain since that time because I understand the source of the pain and followed his easily understood principles. Then, my neck suffered an auto-accident whip-lash. I couldn't turn it without extreme pain nor get relief after two visits to my HMO doctor. It dawned on me to try his book's neck pain maneuvers. During a few simple movements, I felt my neck "click," and the pain instantly resolved.

    Carolyn A.
  • I personally presented Dr. O'Connor with a patient who reported three months of unremitting back pain so severe that he was caused to walk slowly, carefully, and hunched forward while taking every opportunity to support his weight by holding on to furniture. Within twenty minutes, without being touched, and simply having his movements directed by Dr. O'Connor, the patient was standing painlessly upright and repeatedly swivelling his hips like a hula dancer, describing himself as a "happy camper." As a physician trained in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with additional fellowship training in spinal cord injury, I consider myself knowledgeable of the state-of-the-art in back pain management and was literally amazed by what I witnessed. I was so convinced that The O'Connor Technique (tm) constitutes a valuable contribution to medicine that I instantly bought an autographed copy of his book.

    Augusto S., M.D.
  • This is email is being sent to let you know of the great success I have had with the O'Connor Techniques. From time to time over the last 20 years I have had lower back problems. Every 3-4 years I would have a case of acute pain that required me to go to the doctor. Each time the doctors gave me muscle relaxer and a exercise sheet to strengthen my stomach muscles. I recently started taking martial art and started to experience back pain on a regular basis. The throws, exercise, tumbling, and other movements kept me in pain constantly. I was determined to stay in martial arts so I sought ways to deal with my back pain. I visited my wife's chiropractor and he proceeded to give me his assessment. This assessment was at a discount ($27.00) compared to the $120.00 (full price) he charged when I visited him years earlier. He gave me his findings and offered to sign me up for treatments. Treatments (Total of $1320) consisted of 32 visits to his office three times a week. After he told me he could not guarantee me the results (no misalignments), I decided to try something else. Then I came across your website. I read through as much as I could on the website before buying the book. I focused on my specific problem (lower back, left side). I tried the maneuvers and got some improvements. On another occasion, after a strenuous martial arts testing I was experiencing tremendous lower back pain. I purposely waited a few days, not wanting to do any maneuvers while I was in pain. I used the rope, pillows, and bed. Within minutes I was able to move without pain. I have been very pleased with the results. Thanks so much for spreading the word about the O'Connor Techniques. By the way, I finally discontinued martial arts. It was not worth the efforts to do it and risk causing serious back problems.

    Terry B.
  • I was diagnosed with degenerative disk disease in the C-5, C-6, and C-7 section of the cervical spine two weeks ago. All surrounding muscles cramped and I became an official back sufferer. Also, I have referred sensitivity in the medial nerve of the right shoulder and arm. I had an MRI done and I have a consultation with a neuro surgeon next week. I'll get my MRI data next week to take to the surgeon. I have used your cervical techniques for 6 days. I've had absolutely amazing results! I did feel a large disk material move on the 4th day. Obviously, damage still exists. I can hear it and feel it but the referred nerve sensation has GREATLY minimized and the pain has reduced approximately 95%. This is a extremely difficult time for me. My daughter continues to fight an extremely aggressive version of Crohn's disease and my wife has started to have head tremors and memory loss. At the age of 45, I feel like my world is coming to and end. I am the sole financial provider for my family and this issue with my spine cannot interfere with my work. I have already convinced 3 people to become members of you website. I am just getting involved with you products/knowledge and I am totally impressed and in awe of everything you are doing! Thank you William O'Connor.

    G. L.
  • Dear Dr. O'Connor, Its been 6 months now since I came to visit your office and I am glad to say things have changed dramatically. After reading your book and visiting you in person, your techniques have given me new freedoms after suffering with back pain for over 3 years! My visit to you (from Texas) was very productive as you were able to get my disk back in. Things progressed as I was able to return to serious cycling, a life long passion of mine. I was able to go and watch the Tour de France this past July and ride Hors Category mountains (hardest climbs in Europe) with no major problems. I had an unforgettable trip. But being the competitive person I am, I pushed it a little too hard and pushed the disk out while I was there. Upon returning home, I began using your maneuvers and was able to get my disk back into place and felt the best I felt if over 3 years. Having the knowledge and confidence to be able to "work" my disk back into place, has change my life. Thank you for your techniques, maneuvers, knowledge, and willingness to educate others on how they can deal with disk problems. Best of luck with your continued work.

    Patrick M.