Scoliosis Self Treatment

Introduction to Scoliosis

Watch the introduction video below to get a better understanding on how The O’Connor Technique can help people with Scoliosis

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine to the side. In this presentation, you will learn information about Scoliosis not available elsewhere.

It will answer the Scoliosis questions:

What Causes the most common form of Scoliosis?

What Are the Symptoms of Scoliosis?

How can Scoliosis be Diagnosed?

How can Scoliosis be Successfully Treated?

What can be expected if Scoliosis is not managed successfully?

Testimonial of successful treatment using The O’Connor Technique  

There are four categories of scoliosis:

Congenital. An inherited type present at birth.

Neuromuscular Scoliosis. The result of abnormal muscles or nerves such as accompanying cerebral palsy.

Degenerative Scoliosis. As a result of trauma, vertebral bone collapse, surgery, or age-related bone weakness as in osteoporosis.

Idiopathic Scoliosis. The most common type and is said to have no specific identifiable cause. There are many theories, some evidence that it is inherited; but none have been found to be conclusive.  Effecting 2% to 3% of Americans, mostly girls, by age 16, it is the most likely diagnosis when scoliosis is seen in teenagers.  Most scoliosis curves are identified by school screening exams,  a child’s doctor, or by parents when uneven shoulders, a prominent shoulder blade, uneven waist, or leaning to one side is noted. A diagnosis of the type of scoliosis can be made by a careful bone exam and an X‑ray to evaluate the magnitude of the curve.  However, for the average teen who doesn’t have cerebral palsy, a history of vertebral bone crushing trauma, or obvious neurological disorder, they most probably have idiopathic scoliosis.

Dr. William T. O’Connor, Jr., M.D., based on his successful treatment, has a different perspective.  He rarely needs to use the term idiopathic scoliosis because that means that the cause is unknown.  He can show that the cause, in most cases, is due to a displaced piece of intervertebral disc material; so, he defines and diagnoses it as “compensatory scoliosis.” By re-centralizing the displaced piece of disc material, he can correct the originating cause of the scoliosis;  therefore, most “idiopathic scoliosis”can be successfully treated and resolved.

How can a teenager determine if they have a treatable form of scoliosis?

First, it is usually associated with back pain and reduced range of motion especially in the low back.  Usually, there is also one sided pain in the low back.  This is to which side the displaced, or off-center piece of disc material is located.  When the disc material is displaced it causes a wedge-like obstruction to the normal movement and function of the low back or lumbar spine.  This results in the tilting of the spine above the problem disc unit which shifts the center of gravity.  This listing to one side forces the patient to re-bend the spine towards the painful side to move the center of gravity back over the hips creating the scoliosis.  It is a compensatory scoliosis because the spine is compensating for the disc displacement.

There is a simple test to determine if a person has a displaced piece of disc material that is causing the compensatory scoliosis.  It is called a diagnostic circumduction and available FREE through the website  The website gives instructions on how to re-centralize the displaced disc material via a self-administered manipulation and self-directed physical therapy technique.  This allows for the spine to re-align.  It is extremely important to correct the scoliosis component before the final growth spurt because that may result in a permanent re-modeling of the spine.

If immediate results are desired without necessitating the reading and learning processes inherent in the website, a private evaluation, management, manipulation, and preventive education can be arranged through an individual consultation by contacting Dr. O’Connor at 707-446-0422.

Scoliois in teenager with 15 degrees improvement in 2 weeks

Scoliosis Improvement

Scoliosis Treatment Testimonial